Použití pojmu end ve větách.
ZAHNRADDATEN Diese Angaben finden Sei am Ende jeden Abschnitts einer bestimmten Serie. The touch was its second sin and it agonized the Yattering beyond endurance. The Yattering had retired to the attic, well satisfied with its endeavours. The hours from nine to five, alone in the house, often seemed endless. Zur Verwendung bei Vakuumanwendungen mit sehr enger End bergabe. Die Enden der Gleitprofile immer anschr gen oder herunterbiegen. Selbstschlie endes Scharnierstabverschlusssystem Shuttleplug. Byl to jeden z nejkrásnějších domů ve West Endu. Anschlie end k onnen Sie weitere Sender hinzuf ugen. And you might even decide to end the relationship. Sie werden anschlie end um Best atigung gebeten. He didn t converse, he lectured, and endlessly. He managed to get through the book in the end. It had ended before she even turned thirteen. Serie Messerkantenkonfiguration Endantrieb. It might end with someone getting hurt. Blomkvist ended his tour in her office. She went from one dead end to another. End přesune kurzor na konec řádku. The name Zala was another dead end. Prof opened up the end of the net. In the end he sent a text message. The similarities ended there. And Lisbeth ended up at St. END OFF END ON BERGABEN. My name ends in ski too. Another dead end. It s the end.
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