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Lekce angličtiny obsahující výraz life

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Výrazy podobné pojmu life

bring something to life anglicky, life jacket anglicky, This is the life! anglicky, lift anglicky, a way of life anglicky, der (Ski)lift německy, lifrovat synonyma,

Česká slovní zásobanáhodná lekce českých synonym
+Synonyma 1
+Synonyma 2
+Synonyma 3
+Synonyma 4
+Synonyma 5
+Synonyma 6
+Synonyma 7
+Synonyma 8
+Synonyma 9
+Synonyma 10
+Synonyma 11
+Synonyma 12
+Brněnský hantec
Angličtinanáhodná lekce angličtiny
+Mírně pokročilí
+Velmi pokročilí
+Obchodní angličtina
+Tématická slovíčka
+Minimum na cesty
Němčinanáhodná lekce němčiny
+Mírně pokročilí
+Obchodní němčina
+Minimum na cesty
Francouzštinanáhodná lekce francouzštiny
+Mírně pokročilí
+Obchodní franc.
+Minimum na cesty
Španělštinanáhodná lekce španělštiny
+Mírně pokročilí
+Minimum na cesty
Zeměpisnáhodná lekce zaměpisu
+Hlavní města
+Státy EU
Literaturanáhodná lekce literatury
Ostatní předmětynáhodná lekce z kategorie ostatních předmětů
Všeobecný přehlednáhodná lekce všeobecného přehledu

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Použití pojmu life ve větách.

Human life should not be considered as the proper material for wild experiments. His was a secret life, and it was merely pride that longed for recognition. The dream is a fragment of the abandoned psychic life of the child. Real dinosaurs however are not particularly suited to life in zoos. Everyone he met had brushed with violence it was a fact of life. He stood in silence, hand to mouth, for what seemed a lifetime. You want the life of the body, not the life of the imagination. Despite these malformations, it was horribly life like. Matt I really do think this job is taking over my life. Everything but the gift she most required life itself. So much unpleasantness had gone, taken with her life. Life was not as easy as it had been ten years ago. Bjurman had done his investigation into her life. So, you get on with your life, meet someone new. So he continued to write his life, and waited. Having children has really taken over my life. There were worse disturbances in life. All my life is drawings from the eye. Life is for living, so forward we go. Fr ken Nesser did exist in real life. It can be a lifethreatening disorder. Author is inspired with his own life. He loved them more than life itself. His life settled on a new objective. He spun around and ran for his life. Meanwhile, Jack s life sauntered on. During that time she saved my life. One was that Lisbeth saved my life. And so it goes with your sex life. Spike, grab that extra life line.

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