Použití pojmu walk around ve větách.
He walked unsteadily towards the front door, feeling nauseous after so much spinning. Yet it still walked, each step an incalculable effort of coordination and strength. He walked through the corridor of bodies and stepped out of the train. He went to the door and opened it, used to walking in blackness. You walk in front of your house with the lady on your arm. He would walk out that very night and be Crusoe no longer. He must walk out like an innocent, arousing no suspicion. They walked down the track together, away from the field. Popolac walked, the hum of its voice lost in the night. Kaufman heard the Butcher walking towards the door. Kaufman looked away, and walked back to the train. He shrugged and kept walking towards Zinkensdamm. He patiently watched the few people walking past. Salander walked straight home to Mosebacke. He walked towards the Subway at th Street. He had walked up and down Lundagatan. He could walk out whenever he liked. You can already walk several steps. She walked with him to an elevator. She walked across to the window. Popolac walked and Popolac sang. She walked to the shuttle train. Walk? Gina said, disbelievingly. But he stood, spoke, walked. He walked across the street. They began to walk again. Then she started to walk. It was not a long walk. She walked down St. She walked home.
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