Použití pojmu before dark ve větách.
Panímáma nakupovala celé balíky obrázků, růženců, figurek a rozličných jiných dárků. Okolo těla všude byly zastrkané obrázky a květiny, dárky to vděčných žáků a žákyň. Sluhové, kroužek vlídných hnědých obličejů, se tlačili kolem něj a nabízeli mu dárky. Behind it, similar creatures were appearing out of the darkness, shuffling into the train. The light of the torches scarcely began to illuminate the limitless darkness outside. Děti sebraly svoje krásné dárky, ale ani se jim od milé komtesy nechtělo. He was with death absolutely in that cubby hole, hurtling through the dark. Dával jsi mi dárky, zlaté náramky a hedvábné loumčji z Mandalaje. Gravy seeped through the gap at the bottom of the door, dark and fatty. Only the stage working lights were on, the auditorium was in darkness. As the torches were taken out of the car, darkness was returning. There was much more in the darkness, flickering and flapping. Ze všech dárků, které jsem dostala, je mi nejmilejší. The scene darkened to blackout, and the curtain descended. He ran to the door, stumbling over a chair in the dark. Byly to samé památky z cest a dárky drahých osob. Outside the windows, everything was as dark as ever. His footsteps receded the dark encased him. Ahead, the vestibule was in darkness. It was late at night and quite dark. The apartment was still in darkness. Kaufman was left in total darkness. He wore a dark waist length jacket. He hated darkness and being alone. The scent, the dark, the thunder. The vestibule was no longer dark. It shifted a little in the dark. Not the dark, not the cold. He saw a dark, bony face. The apartment was dark.
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