Použití pojmu bow tie ve větách.
Lichfield nodded, and they went out together to take their bows beside the company. Galloway smiled, bowed deeply, and received their admiration with gratitude. Werkstoffe sind Azetal, Polypropylen und Poly thylen f r Tiefk hlprodukte. For some reason these people had been tied together, side by side. Jasperove ruky stlačili tie moje tesnejšie dokopy. His head was bowed to his business, engrossed. Their hearts were inextricably tied together. Ropes to tie them all together, flawlessly. Na programu je provincie F ng tien. Renesmee sa tiež zdala nahnevaná. Nikdy sa neunavím a on tiež nie. Tie oči, hlas, bezchybná tvár. She tied it with a clove hitch. Ani som na tie dvere nepozrela. Sturz vom Felsen in die Tiefe. Hans Tietze, Der Molch des XX. Piliny? Tiež niečo kovové. Esme im tiež postavila dom. Tienoch havedd, Seyonne. Tienoch havedd, Llyr. She bowed her head. He bowed his head. He was tied up.
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