Použití pojmu clear something up ve větách.
There would be helicopters, lorry loads of men organizing the clearing up operations. Reflecting upon this dream does not make it a bit clearer to my mind. The man was upset there was clear evidence of emotion on his face. The air was about as clear smelling as it ever got in Manhattan. The ether faces of the dead were quite clear in front of her. She gave clear, intelligible answers, without hesitation. His accent was thick, but the question was quite clear. Odborná literatura a K tématům I a II CLEARY, M. Before long the clearing was full of activity. He cleared his daughters rooms immaculately. Bjurman decided to steer clear of Armansky. The boy would survive, that was clear. Now the meaning of the dream is clear. The rain clouds had cleared entirely. At last Blomkvist cleared his throat. But the connection was crystal clear. Her voice rang out strong and clear. Henderson cleared his throat. Bohman cleared his throat. Bere ji k Clearwatersům. His objective was clear. You have to be clear.
Pro zajímavost:
uprchlík anglicky,
clear up anglicky,
update anglicky,
spadnout, upadnout anglicky,
zírat, upřeně se dívat anglicky,
upír anglicky,
úplný, kompletní anglicky,