Použití pojmu day return ve větách.
Tu pak jsou zkoušky, a školní rok zakončuje se slavností školskou, nazývanou Speech day. Po té námaze vám večer neuškodí pár hodin strávených v Dayově kabaretu. They completely satisfy wishes excited during the day which remain unrealized. Redman spent a good deal of the next day putting his workshop in order. After a day, birds came, foxes came, flies, butterflies, wasps came. As the torches were taken out of the car, darkness was returning. Day in, day out, and still the man showed no sign of yielding. In our office, we have to wear suits every day except fridays. The day before he was assiduously reading about great heroes. The following day was bright, but not particularly warm. When Jack returned the games would begin in earnest. It was almost an hour before Niedermann returned. Just one further remark about the day remnants. And as the feeling returned, so did the nausea. The dream gave him what the day had withheld. The shuttle ran during the daylight hours. The following day another arrest was made. Then they returned to police headquarters. It was going to be a long and arduous day. But we shall return to this point later. She marked off another day in her head. Sivarnandan returned after ten minutes. Inexplicably, she returned the smile. It was a dull day, as he had guessed. It was the day before Christmas Eve. He had spent the day doing nothing. Today is the swap cygnot day. One day we were good friends. It had not yet been returned. This is your day to succeed.
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