Použití pojmu fall down ve větách.
As the roof began to give, lethal falls of timber and girder silenced most. In the bedroom one of the roof joists cracked and flung debris downstairs. Divoce se bránil a ošklivě přitom pokousal konstábla Downinga. Those who had not died of the fall, or of suffocation, were dying. Im zweiten Fall wird die Welle durch den Antriebsmotor gedreht. Kaufman looked up at the sunlight, now falling all around him. In fact today it was very loose almost ready to fall off. The Yattering threw itself downstairs, tore up a pillow. Downstairs, Polo heard a noise like a whining dog. Downingovi div neukousl palec, než ho zkrotili. Pieces of the puzzle were falling into place. One of the heroic cities had already fallen. Night had fallen and it was raining. It was a fall, that s all. They went downstairs. Podujevo had fallen. Bit of a fall. Just a fall.
Pro zajímavost:
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