Použití pojmu fruit tea ve větách.
Tears filled his eyes, and ran down his scarified cheek, mingling with the blood. Blood was in his throat, he heard his flesh tearing, and agonies convulsed him. They were too hot with the sight behind him, they boiled his tears away. Za čtvrté, jedenáct maket pušek, vyřezaných z teakového dřeva. Dvojka stál před kapitánskou vanou a třásl se frustrací. He kissed her lightly on the nose and left her to her teasing. Accusations, tears, reassurance, tears again, reconciliation. Zafod přímo šílel frustrací, že nevidí na obrazovku. On Monday evening Blomkvist was feeling deeply frustrated. Na každý dvacetičlenný team připadá jeden Leading. Bublanski felt a sense of frustration approaching fury. Galloway could have sworn he was on the verge of tears. Dali jsme mu špatné číslo, takže je frustrovaný. No wonder mathematicians were tearing out their hair. The tears were quite blinding her now, she was awash. Takhle to bylo jen frustrující a malinko děsivé. But then, what did he know? He was a dance teacher. Zařval, dlouhý drsný řev z frustrace a vzteku. Hlavu mi naplnila směs frustrace a rozhořčení. He sighed in frustration and ordered more coffee. Normalizace byla chápána jako velká frustrace. Salander probably used it for boiling tea water. He could hear the tears throbbing in his voice. Miriam Wu felt tears running down her cheeks. The team considered this summary in silence. Nakonec jsem si však teatrálně povzdychl. Tears blotted out the shambles he stood in. Frustrovaná oběť Nevím odkud začít. Now you eat the sweet fruits of success. Nerad bych byl příliš teatrální.
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