Použití pojmu game ve větách.
Kdybych měl sklóznót nějaké neznámé gampl, asi bych měl fédrama vanilky v pěst. Víte, slečno, jakého množství dynamitu bylo použito k vyhození hráze Gamboa?. Naklape na tépich ke Kilošovi nahodit raport, jak to tady důle zakólel s gamplem. The enemy, instead of playing foolish games, meant harm, real harm to them all. Whatever this game was, Slape was having a little fun all of his own. The memory unit does not have enough free blocks for this save game. Your Xbox console doesn t have enough free blocks to save this game. Jako dar ji svému manželovi králi Songcan Gampovi přinesla v. Your Xbox console doesn t have enough free blocks to save games. You must delete some save games if you wish to save new games. Checking for Jurassic Park Operation Genesis Save Games. When Jack returned the games would begin in earnest. It was thrilling, this game it was also terrifying. They were good at the game of giants. Why don t you join in the game?. Yes, it was indeed a fine game. There are too many save games. The game was suddenly lethal. They had met in Gamla Stan. Podívej, tady je gamarand. Unable to load saved game. It was a fine game.
Pro zajímavost:
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