Použití pojmu guinea pig ve větách.
Platit vám budu stejně jako dřív a ten, kdo člun objeví, dostane navíc guineu. Pomyslel jsem na padesát guinejí a na to, jak by mi právě přišly vhod. There were still a few figures lingering around the pig house. Zaplatil mně dvě slíbené guineje, a už zmizel ve stanici. Other appetites had taken the place of those piggy pleasures. Jestli to stačíte za dvacet minut, dostanete půl guineje. Dvaadvacet guinejí je dost značná suma za jedny šaty. Even now, in extremis, the pig was still a pig. They were telling him the pig was possessed. Suddenly the pig took on a different aspect. Shared by the pigeons too for all he knew. For all the world like the tail of a pig. Practical Pig would do the right thing. His voice, out of the mouth of the pig. Jeden má cenu sto padesáti guinejí. Redman tried not to think of the pig. The pig came out to look at him. Why not tonight? said the pig. Mama, they fed me to the pig. Just they gave me to the pig. His was the voice of the pig. They fed me to the pig. Not this old pig meat. Practical Fucking Pig. The pig, said Redman. Here come the pigs. Those fucking pigs. The pig, I mean. With the pigs. Kill you, pig.
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