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Lekce angličtiny obsahující výraz hold hands |
hold up anglicky, Hold on a minute. anglicky, have a hold on me anglicky, hold someone's hand anglicky, hold anglicky, hold on anglicky, der Handschuh německy, hold, poklona synonyma,
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Teď půjdeme vyzpovídat lorda Holdhursta, ministra zahraničí a budoucího předsedu anglické vlády. Jsem Alexander Holder z bankovní firmy Holder a Stevenson na Threadneedle Street. Ale dovolíte li, pane Holdere, rád bych teď pokračoval v pátrání venku. Vaslav Jelovsek capped his gloved hands over his eyes and surveyed the sky. The whole tree was rocking as though someone had just seized hold of it. She was expecting an admirer, and instead she had a critic on her hands. Ne ale státníka s tak bezúhonnou minulostí, jako je lord Holdhurst. Mějte jen trochu strpení, pane Holdere, k tomu se ještě vrátíme. Přesto však holdují pohodlným křeslům a čerstvým časopisům. Slape wanted to double up in agony, but the neck hold prevented him. Some of the hands were square and ugly, some delicate and feminine. Domnívám se, pane Holdere, že budete mít brzy po starostech. Mám zřejmě tu čest mluvit se slečnou Marií Holderovou. Rád bych vám položil několik otázek, lorde Holdhurste. She put her hands, so recently at her groin, on his face. Go ahead and do it, I wash my hands of the whole thing. Her hands were shaking ever so slightly as she did it. The story on his back, and on his shin, on his hands. Mimochodem dostal jsem dopis od lorda Holdhursta. Salander bent and took hold of Geraldine Forbes. Skládám tvému příteli hold za dobrý vkus. The warder loosened his hold just a little. Sandstr m had gotten hold of the Rantas. His hands were as big as frying pans. Diane fell back, her hands smoking. Blomkvist shook hands with the man. Oh something s gotten hold of me. Sivarnandan threw out his hands. He put his hands around my neck. She felt his hands on her skin.
hold, počest synonyma,