Použití pojmu in front of ve větách.
Trochu ho to znervózní, zvlášť když uvidí tu frontu, která se tlačí do dveří. He walked unsteadily towards the front door, feeling nauseous after so much spinning. Kaufman surveyed the report that sprawled across the front page of the newspaper. Bright spots of light flashed in front of his vision, blotting out the atrocity. Kaufman opened his eyes, steeling himself for the slaughter pen in front of him. Galloway wandered down to the front of the stalls, appraising the stranger. Pozoroval jsem ho dlouho, protože fronta se posunovala opravdu pomalinku. The phobia is thrown before the anxiety like a fortress on the frontier. The little father who had spoken earlier stood in front of Kaufman. The tide of blood was already sloshing against the front wheels. The ether faces of the dead were quite clear in front of her. You walk in front of your house with the lady on your arm. Ve dvě hodiny je už před sázkovou kanceláří fronta. In front of them, the hills formed an impenetrable line. It glistened with blood as it lay in front of its Lord. Dobrá, tedy uprostřed války se fronta nemění. He took another step towards the front door. Vojáci, žehnaní modlitbou, fronta. He reached for the front door handle. This time Kobi raced out in front. In front, the dead behind, death. Za ní tvořila se nová fronta. She took action on three fronts. All quiet on the Western front. Jistě dobré zprávy z front. He was there, in front of her. Dag was shot from the front. Praha Mladá fronta,. Praha Mladá fronta,. Praha Mladá fronta,.
Pro zajímavost:
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oft německy,
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