Použití pojmu instant coffee ve větách.
EPILOG Skončilo projednávání u policejního soudu, který případ Johna Douglase postoupil vyšší instanci. Jsem ta poslední instance a nejvyšší kapacita v pátrání po zločinech a jejich vyšetřování. Vaslav sipped his sweet, sweet coffee and allowed himself a little grunt of satisfaction. Poslední zde zmíněnou službou je Instant messaging okamžité zprávy. We wake up for an instant, and immediately resume our sleep. He sighed in frustration and ordered more coffee. Sounds much better than another cup of coffee. Paolo Roberto inspected the coffee, impressed. The hotel will provide coffee and sandwiches. The coffeemaker was going in the kitchenette. Zalachenko remembered instantly who he was. They sat in silence, drinking the coffee. He asked if Eriksson wanted more coffee. Salander ordered coffee and a sandwich. Death would have been instantaneous. Then he almost choked on his coffee. Berger held out two mugs of coffee. Ella poured hot coffee into a mug. He got up and brewed some coffee. The coffee was left to get cold. He offered Modig some coffee. To the coffee, I mean.
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