Použití pojmu Key / Key card ve větách.
These portions subsequently fitted in, regularly furnish the key to the interpretation. Aby toho bylo dosaženo, rozvíjí Keyová celý systém sociálního zákonodárství. Poznáním, že běží o život duše, chce Keyová individuelní štěstí obou. She had taken the keys from his apartment. There were locks and keys and warders. Ellen Keyová Uber Liebe und Ehe. Ellen Keyová Uber Liebe und Ehe. He turned the ignition key once. She studied the keys one by one. He stared at the bunch of keys. The key fit perfectly in box. Jerker never used that key. He held up the third key. The key glowed red hot. The key did not fit. He was her key. No key there. Zejtra pude půlka Cardiffu vsadit na jakýhokoliv zasraný ho koně, kterýho řeknu. Dřív to taky chvíli táhla s klukama z fotbalovýho klubu Cardiff City. Když sem byla malá, byl ste první středovej obránce Cardiff City. Please select MEMORY CARD slot. She had three credit cards. She paid with a Visa card. That was his only card.
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