Použití pojmu light ve větách.
The light of the torches scarcely began to illuminate the limitless darkness outside. Bright spots of light flashed in front of his vision, blotting out the atrocity. Branches, twigs, needles, balls, lights, wire, ribbons, flew across the room. Only the stage working lights were on, the auditorium was in darkness. They buzzed and fretted against the window, or around the light bulb. Bez obsahu sacharidů vývary, light nápoje, čaj, káva bez mléka. As Polo left the room, the Yattering rocked the light a little more. Some of them carried torches, which burned with a dead brown light. He screamed and even as he screamed, the lights flickered back on. She could even read, by the dimming light, an occasional phrase. He kissed her lightly on the nose and left her to her teasing. The morning rain had turned into a light drizzle by twilight. Now their eyes were becoming accustomed to the night light. The lights had long since been pulled from their sockets. Caution, he said to himself, and turned off the light. Then, there was a flicker of light outside the window. No light shower this it was a cloudburst or nothing. The lights flickered on, then off again, then on. There was no lightning to accompany the thunder. He could see them against the lights of the sty. Lightning Rampage Ale ne! Uder blesku vydesil. Suddenly the lights blinked and went out. That put everything in a whole new light. The light from the doorway blinded her. Niedermann turned on the ceiling light. She touched him, lightly, on the face. The second time there were no lights. She bought a pack of Marlboro Lights. The lights flickered, then went out. Again the lights flickered and died.
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