Použití pojmu lunch hour, lunch break ve větách.
At last, lunch. Indeed, the way things were going the Yattering would be the one to break. The hours from nine to five, alone in the house, often seemed endless. But breaking point was closer than anyone would have dared to admit. Diane Duvall made an entrance her customary half hour late. She died a few hours ago, without regaining consciousness. It was almost an hour before Niedermann returned. For several hours he waited for another reply. Bublanski smiled for the first time in hours. Salander stayed with Palmgren for two hours. It would probably break her brittle heart. The shuttle ran during the daylight hours. Polo made a break for the back door. Holmberg called back an hour later. Matt you might decide to break up. So, not a normal break in then. Or possibly break his legs. Two hours ago in my sleep. It took him about an hour. See you in an hour or so. Finally a breakthrough. They d all break. Home in an hour. Give me a break.
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