Použití pojmu move house ve větách.
Jeden ze svatův objednal potají zablotovské židovské hudebníky, cimbalistu, dva houslisty a basistu. Zmínil jsem se svrchu, jak vidím, také o Holmesových schopnostech ve hře na housle. Shromáždění se sešlo ve velkém sále Union Housu, vyhrazeném k tomuto účelu. Elated, the demon raced through the house, determined to capitalize on its victory. Jack, keeping his movements as even as possible, unbolted the door, top and bottom. But the few houses they passed were all deserted, locked and shuttered, every one. Minimálně ty určené pro zábavu Windows Media Player nebo Windows Movie Maker. Alespoň čtvrt Thamel, populární středisko všech méně movitých turistů. His feet, no longer obeying his mind, but his instinct to worship, moved. It flung every movable object into the fray, setting everything spinning. Brzy však nás v levo vzhůru vesnicí vedla příkrá stezka na Housku. Nechtějí dolar ani housku, to ne, míří hned co nejvýše do Ameriky. Then some one broke into the house and anxiously called for a policeman. It knew the punishment too, for leaving the house, for touching the man. Popolac rose to its feet again, and began to move, step by booming step. Redman just followed his nose across the field and past the out houses. At some time in its history a horror had been committed in that house. The hours from nine to five, alone in the house, often seemed endless. Ani housenky nechť se malé děti neštítí a zbytečně ji nehubí. Hrál li na housle, vždy něco dostal, nehrál li, nedostal ničeho. When we moved into our new offices everything was in boxes for weeks. It was stiffer than it should be, and the movements were not smooth. Jsem pln houslové lyriky, ale nedovedu říci, co vlastně cítím. On the move Findings from the United Kingdom Gay Men s Sex Survey. Můj starý přítel Charlie Peace hrával virtuózně na housle. Nevyspalí kráčeli jsme nadmíru krásným oudolím k Housce. There were still a few figures lingering around the pig house. Zvuky houslí provázely mne po stezkách zapomenutí mého. This was a combination of lecture room and moving staircase. Současně vyškrtla z rozpočtu koberec, housle a kabelku.
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