Použití pojmu My legs feel like jelly. ve větách.
Relativně vysokými dávkami bylo dále ozářeno několik tisíc pracovníků podílejících se na likvidačních pracích. Když toho člověka odklidíme, vyvolá to v celém státě pozdvižení, které skončí naší likvidací. Likvidační práce činnost k odstranění následků způsobených mimořádnou událostí. Záchranné a likvidační práce nemůže zvládnout jedna záchranářská organizace. He walked unsteadily towards the front door, feeling nauseous after so much spinning. He fell to his knees, babbling a prayer, his arthritic legs twisted beneath him. Kaufman slowly exhaled through his nose, feeling the tension in his body abate. Popolac turned away into the hills, its legs taking strides half a mile long. His legs were abnormally thick and stumpy, and his arms were not long. From this she experiences a feeling of discomfort but no real horror. Nejsme tak liknaví jako většina lidí a za to se zpravidla pyká. The legs in the dream recall an impression of the previous evening. It felt victory in its invisible bones and it was a good feeling. She is longing to meet him, but struggles against this feeling. It was small, more with a confusion of feelings than with fear. They recognized in him a man they could respect without liking. One feels inclined to substitute for a knowledge of the past. Its tail slipped between its legs like that of a whipped dog. On Monday evening Blomkvist was feeling deeply frustrated. But he could feel its resentment like a physical presence. No matter what feelings from the otherwise inhibited Unc. Dnes Amerika těžce likviduje ty snadné peníze. There was no feeling left but a casual revulsion. And as the feeling returned, so did the nausea. He could feel it on his cheek, like war paint. Feel the pulse of human blood, pouring forth. Zalachenko was feeling wonderfully gratified. He could feel the dampness under his arms. She wrestled with contradictory feelings. He had a sinking feeling in his stomach.
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