Použití pojmu nevolno ( He felt sick. ) ve větách.
Arthur pocítil lehkou nevolnost, jak mu rybka vklouzla hluboko do sluchového aparátu. Leč zatím, co oni ho pozorovali se zálibou a uznáním, Lomovi počalo býti nevolno. Now, faced with a sudden and spectacular success, she felt both elated and confused. SYMPTOMY Typickým příznakem je průjem, větry, žaludeční křeče a nevolnost. Bric a brac filled the air around his head, dancing around with sickening speed. He fell to his knees, babbling a prayer, his arthritic legs twisted beneath him. Felix Molnár, jehož kázání nyní již také věnuji více pozorností. Across the square Metzinger looked as tired and as anxious as Vaslav felt. Calloway felt his body go rigid, while his erection wilted in her throat. Mistr poslal pro felčara a ten mi potom hlavu zavázal a stáhl mi to. Možná, že Felling byl nakonec tím člověkem, kterého potřeboval. He stood on the platform and scanned his fellow travellers critically. Redman watched helplessly as the burning woman fell amongst the straw. It was too early in the morning, and the effect fell on stony ground. Gradually he felt strength seeping back into his exhausted limbs. It felt victory in its invisible bones and it was a good feeling. One of the cast fainted, another ran into the wings to be sick. It felt good in his hand in fact it felt positively thrilling. It felt good to shout, it felt good to sound angry at the man. His limbs felt drugged and his eyes would scarcely stay open. She had perhaps slipped, and struck her head as she fell. It was a world Hammersmith had always felt excluded from. Ale mně bylo při četbě Gaboriauovy knihy až nevolno. Nevolnost se stupňovala, a proto se obrátil k zátoce. She felt his spine ripple she could see his brain whirl. Bublanski felt a sense of frustration approaching fury. The faces that loomed over him were exhausted and sick. With Mimmi, Salander felt only lustful anticipation. She felt restored after her sleep in the Green Room. Mysl chmurná stlačuje národ do tmy a nevolnosti.
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