Použití pojmu point ve větách.
From its vantage point on the landing the Yattering viewed the young woman balefully. He pointed out of the window to the wilderness beyond the playing field. But breaking point was closer than anyone would have dared to admit. Na průchod přes check point jsme byIi připraveni. Pointou bylo, že Richard a já jsme předstírali. Proti Point au Fer tone parník, patrně mexický. Bublanski pointed towards the conference room. Bublanski identified three significant points. Leverthal conceded the point with a murmur. Eddie pointed towards the offending hedges. But we shall return to this point later. The point of the knife had drawn blood. He pointed through the door of the sty. The point bit the fat of his stomach. Tuto pointu bych si rád vyhradil. The point was difficult to refute. He pointed the gun at Niedermann. Teď jsme se blížili k pointě. He pointed first to Bublanski. He pointed along the road. She pointed into the sty. Get to the point, Jerker. No points on his licence. She pointed to his face. You must see my point. She won on points. She got the point.
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