Použití pojmu Sweet / bitter / salty / sour ve větách.
What had been sweet was sour and dangerous. Smích, veselý pokřik, radostná atmosféra, vlněné pestré sweatry, čepice, strakaté šály. Vaslav sipped his sweet, sweet coffee and allowed himself a little grunt of satisfaction. The laugh that emanated from beneath the immacu lately swept brim was ripely ironical. Kdyby byl přišel další návštěvník, byli by se sourozenci zvedli od stolu. Her fingers were still on the ring, and the sourness she had tasted grew. Like Crusoe seeing a sail, only to have it sweep by his island. Nobody was watching that night, it was too bitter for lovers. She was chopping turnips and smiling sweetly as she chopped. Kempfana se na většího sourozence rozzlobeně zadíval. Svensson had discussed Zala exhaustively with source G. The dream has derived its material from three sources. The sort of eyes that could sour milk at twenty paces. To wash the bitterness away she thought of the boy. Sethe, odsuň na chvilku ty sourozenecký blbosti. He made their beds up with sweet smelling linen. My source tells me they worked for Millennium. Your source is part right and part wrong. Now you eat the sweet fruits of success. He wanted a source reference inserted. Here is the real source of the dream. He blinked as sweat blinded his eyes. The last I heard, he left Sweden in. The night was cloudless and bitter. He was an absolute lather of sweat. Stale incense, old sweat and lies. The swelling had begun to subside. Close to, her body smelt sweet. That source is the unconscious. So Gulbrandsen was a source.
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