Použití pojmu two hundred years ago ve větách.
Life was not as easy as it had been ten years ago. Ten years ago it would have been grappa. Candles were burning, it seemed hundreds of them, in every corner, on every edge. Blood was in his throat, he heard his flesh tearing, and agonies convulsed him. The touch was its second sin and it agonized the Yattering beyond endurance. Nieba niech Ci zachowaja i na dal Twoje szlachetne, czule serce polskie. Slape wanted to double up in agony, but the neck hold prevented him. He had too many years in the force to believe the sociological lie. Agorwal z Termalainu podal zoufalému půlčíkovi pomocnou ruku. But Kaufman had loved New York from afar for almost twenty years. Not that I expect that means much to a man of your tender years. He looked younger than his sixteen years, almost prepubescent. The Yattering howled again, forgetting its years of training. The patient was eighteen years old when the attack occurred. She died a few hours ago, without regaining consciousness. Toho dne se skončí tisíciletá agónie lidského rodu. Puls nitkovitý, agónie dejte sem plentu, sestřičko. Dag started with the confrontations several weeks ago. She looked fifty, and was probably ten years younger. So I was out on my backside, after twenty four years. Jasanový luk Agorwala z Termalainu krále umlčel. Agorwalovi muži byli pod těžkým nátlakem. Jak odlišně se dá agonie bolesti vnímat. For years she had lived in cramped spaces. My kitchen is one hundred percent IKEA. And you backed her up over the years. The picture is seventeen years old. The most recent was ten years old. Six hundred yards further south. That was about two weeks ago.
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