Použití pojmu water closet (wc) ve větách.
The bobbing head bobbed on, eyes closed, lips clamped around his member, utterly engrossed. Povoz můj náleží Shipleyově firmě drožkářské poblíže Waterlooské stanice. Padlo mi náhodou do oka jméno Openshaw a nadpis ,Tragédie u waterlooského mostu. His eyes, unblinking, could not close off the appalling scene through the curtain. Little cases, boxes, caskets, closets, and stoves correspond to the female part. The door was pulled closed from the other side, and the footsteps receded again. He let his eyes slide closed, reassured by the rhythmical rocking of the train. Měli jsme štěstí a chytili jsme na nádraží Waterloo ještě ranní vlak. Somehow tonight to get off of this closed down world was an attractive option. Viděl Waterloo, viděl pruské války a mohl by mnoho vyprávěti i věštit. The doors hissed closed and the sound of power surged through the train. The Grand Circle door creaked a little as it closed behind the visitors. But breaking point was closer than anyone would have dared to admit. Za hodinu a pět minut setkám se s ním na Waterlooské stanici. His breath, close to her now, smelt of expensive chocolate. What did he care where the boy had gone? The doors closed. It was very close to him, invisible as ever, but so close. He had something close to contempt for the common herd. Upstairs, the water jug in the writing room shattered. The theatre is closed as of today it will not reopen. Chtěl bych odjet z nádraží Waterloo vlakem v. The waterfall and croaking frogs sounded louder. Salander probably used it for boiling tea water. Miraculously they had remained close together. He closed the document and scratched his head. And little boy Lacey? He was written on water. His mouth closed, the words said, and he died. He closed the door and replaced the crossbar. He closed the comic, and looked up at Redman. Faste smiled contentedly at the closed door.
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