Použití pojmu white chocolate ve větách.
Ročenka! Uvažme, jak by našim předpokladům odpovídala Whitakerova ročenka. Mám zde jednoho známého, pana Isu Whitneyho, a rád bych si s ním promluvil. White Mason se zasmál a zamnul si buclaté ruce s uspokojením odborníka. She was wearing a white bra, which she tried, unsuccessfully, to unhook. Simon ženichův mladší bratr a sestra a lady Alicia Whittingtonová. Whiter than any living man should be, covered in grime and blood. He went quite white at the sight of her, so she pouted a little. She started to stamp the straw, showing the whites of her eyes. His breath, close to her now, smelt of expensive chocolate. White Mason byl klidný, spokojeně vypadající člověk. The monks founded monasteries such as Jarrow or Whitby. He looked across at Mick, who was as white as a sheet. Byl protějškem Walta Whitmana a Emila Verhaerena. No blue skies just an even layer of white cloud. Lower grade chocolate required less conching. They have lots of lovely chocolate to eat. White Mason není žádný hlupák. It really is a pure white diamond. As a keepsake? She gave him white. She looked at the white farmhouse. The room mottled, and went white. Good friends, good chocolate and. Abel White byl starý paličák. Next to it was a white Volvo. It must be white. White and lacy.
Pro zajímavost:
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