Použití pojmu write down ve větách.
In the bedroom one of the roof joists cracked and flung debris downstairs. Divoce se bránil a ošklivě přitom pokousal konstábla Downinga. Distaste was written over her face in a dozen tight places. The tale on his abdomen, written in a fine, cursive style. The Yattering threw itself downstairs, tore up a pillow. Here then are the stories written on the Book of Blood. Upstairs, the water jug in the writing room shattered. Johansson herself had written several more articles. Downstairs, Polo heard a noise like a whining dog. Downingovi div neukousl palec, než ho zkrotili. He gave a noncommittal answer and kept writing. So he continued to write his life, and waited. And little boy Lacey? He was written on water. It was not unknown, to write a book of blood. The whole delivery had to be written off. The giant was writhing on the floor. How to Write a Curriculum Vitae. Write my name in his casebook. And I want it in writing. They went downstairs. Can t write, sir.
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