Použití pojmu big hit ve větách.
Je pomenovaný po Arthurovi Dentovi, hrdinovi románu The Hitchhiker s Guide to the Galaxy. Damit die Kanten best ndig gegen Hitze sind, sind Edelstahl Gleitprofile erforderlich. In the towering body of Podujevo, a few technical hitches were becoming apparent. Hitherto there has been an insoluble riddle connected with this discovery. He too was weeping, little jerks ran through his big, ungainly body. Túto hru nesk r zhrnul do knihy The Hitchhiker s guide to galaxy. Redman found his hand itching to hit this pus filled adolescent. Biggrin v odpověď vypnul hruď, aby úder zadržel. It takes a long time for a big group to check in. Páni, já bych měl pro vás big business. Bijce náčelníka ledních obrů, Biggrin. Annika Giannini gave him a big smile. His hands were as big as frying pans. Zdálo se, že Biggrin slyšel dost. Big Bill ovládl dokonale situaci. It was like being hit with a club. Biggrin vskutku vypadal hrozivě. And then he started hitting her. She tied it with a clove hitch. Not too big and not too small. He hit the side of her head. Galloway itched to hit him. Hitzebest ndiges HR Nylon. He had not hit her again. Nobody can hit this hard. The realization hit him. She hit his hip instead. And hired a hit man.
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