Použití pojmu book ve větách.
The books, having flung themselves off the shelves, had joined the tarantella. He was to be their page, their book, the vessel for their autobiographies. Bookmakeři ji ještě před začátkem závodu nasadili jako jedničku. Here then are the stories written on the Book of Blood. He was a Book of Blood, and she his sole translator. He managed to get through the book in the end. It was not unknown, to write a book of blood. Bookmakeři se už díky mě dost napakovali. THIS IS A BORZOI BOOKPUBLISHED BY ALFRED A. Sir Robert bookmakery chytře obalamutil. He began to scribble in an exercise book. From the bookcase in the living room. In a recently published book by W. And the book would be published. Brno nakladatelství CP Books. Gina looked up from her book. The book slid to the floor. But not of the book. Definitely the book.
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