Použití pojmu Can I book a room? ve větách.
From the bookcase in the living room. Náš vlak staví v Canterbury a v přístavu je také vždy nejméně čtvrthodinové zdržení. Nu, musíme doufat, že uspěje a lordu Cantlemerovi tak připraví rozčarování. KANDIDÓZA je sexuálně přenosná infekce způsobená kvasinkou Candida albicans. Redman darted back to the vestibule and down the corridor to the Recreation Room. Candles were burning, it seemed hundreds of them, in every corner, on every edge. In the chilly corridor outside the dressing room Lichfield was waiting patiently. The books, having flung themselves off the shelves, had joined the tarantella. Branches, twigs, needles, balls, lights, wire, ribbons, flew across the room. He was to be their page, their book, the vessel for their autobiographies. Bookmakeři ji ještě před začátkem závodu nasadili jako jedničku. Than in Canterbury Augustine established his first English bishopric. As Polo left the room, the Yattering rocked the light a little more. Somebody was wearing a toga of burning canvas, and reciting screams. This was a combination of lecture room and moving staircase. Somewhere in the room a fly, or flies maybe, were trapped. Here then are the stories written on the Book of Blood. Upstairs, the water jug in the writing room shattered. Plane by plane the room began to re establish itself. Lichfield found Tallulah in the Green Room, tidying. He was a Book of Blood, and she his sole translator. She felt restored after her sleep in the Green Room. Tato slova lorda Cantlemera navýsost pobouřila. There was no room for favourable interpretations. Somehow, she felt, she must get up to the room. Bublanski pointed towards the conference room. He managed to get through the book in the end. Can we open the window to cool the room down?. It was not unknown, to write a book of blood. He looked across the room at Amanda and Gina.
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