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Lekce angličtiny obsahující výraz living room

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Výrazy podobné pojmu living room

dining room anglicky, living anglicky, changing rooms anglicky, room anglicky, single room anglicky, Where's the changing room? anglicky, twin room anglicky, Can I book a room? anglicky,

Česká slovní zásobanáhodná lekce českých synonym
+Synonyma 1
+Synonyma 2
+Synonyma 3
+Synonyma 4
+Synonyma 5
+Synonyma 6
+Synonyma 7
+Synonyma 8
+Synonyma 9
+Synonyma 10
+Synonyma 11
+Synonyma 12
+Brněnský hantec
Angličtinanáhodná lekce angličtiny
+Mírně pokročilí
+Velmi pokročilí
+Obchodní angličtina
+Tématická slovíčka
+Minimum na cesty
Němčinanáhodná lekce němčiny
+Mírně pokročilí
+Obchodní němčina
+Minimum na cesty
Francouzštinanáhodná lekce francouzštiny
+Mírně pokročilí
+Obchodní franc.
+Minimum na cesty
Španělštinanáhodná lekce španělštiny
+Mírně pokročilí
+Minimum na cesty
Zeměpisnáhodná lekce zaměpisu
+Hlavní města
+Státy EU
Literaturanáhodná lekce literatury
Ostatní předmětynáhodná lekce z kategorie ostatních předmětů
Všeobecný přehlednáhodná lekce všeobecného přehledu

Napište nám svůj názor na stránky nebo námět na zlepšení. Děkujeme.

Použití pojmu living room ve větách.

Then he approached the living room door. From the bookcase in the living room. Describe the sofa in her living room. Redman darted back to the vestibule and down the corridor to the Recreation Room. In the chilly corridor outside the dressing room Lichfield was waiting patiently. Branches, twigs, needles, balls, lights, wire, ribbons, flew across the room. As Polo left the room, the Yattering rocked the light a little more. They looked, to all intents and purposes, like living men and women. Whiter than any living man should be, covered in grime and blood. The highway had disappeared from living human sight entirely. This was a combination of lecture room and moving staircase. In her head she heard voices that came from no living mouth. Somewhere in the room a fly, or flies maybe, were trapped. Upstairs, the water jug in the writing room shattered. Plane by plane the room began to re establish itself. Lichfield found Tallulah in the Green Room, tidying. The dead must choose more carefully than the living. She felt restored after her sleep in the Green Room. There was no room for favourable interpretations. Somehow, she felt, she must get up to the room. Bublanski pointed towards the conference room. Can we open the window to cool the room down?. He looked across the room at Amanda and Gina. There was an oppressive silence in the room. He cleared his daughters rooms immaculately. Silence descended over the conference room. Redman doubled back to the Governor s room. Then Niedermann threw her across the room. He reached the room, and opened the door. The room descended into a deadly silence.

Pro zajímavost:

double room anglicky,
Single room / Double room anglicky,
changing room anglicky,
dinning room anglicky,