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Lekce angličtiny obsahující výraz head

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Výrazy podobné pojmu head

headquarters anglicky, headache anglicky, shake your head anglicky, Hold your head high. anglicky, head teacher anglicky,

Česká slovní zásobanáhodná lekce českých synonym
+Synonyma 1
+Synonyma 2
+Synonyma 3
+Synonyma 4
+Synonyma 5
+Synonyma 6
+Synonyma 7
+Synonyma 8
+Synonyma 9
+Synonyma 10
+Synonyma 11
+Synonyma 12
+Brněnský hantec
Angličtinanáhodná lekce angličtiny
+Mírně pokročilí
+Velmi pokročilí
+Obchodní angličtina
+Tématická slovíčka
+Minimum na cesty
Němčinanáhodná lekce němčiny
+Mírně pokročilí
+Obchodní němčina
+Minimum na cesty
Francouzštinanáhodná lekce francouzštiny
+Mírně pokročilí
+Obchodní franc.
+Minimum na cesty
Španělštinanáhodná lekce španělštiny
+Mírně pokročilí
+Minimum na cesty
Zeměpisnáhodná lekce zaměpisu
+Hlavní města
+Státy EU
Literaturanáhodná lekce literatury
Ostatní předmětynáhodná lekce z kategorie ostatních předmětů
Všeobecný přehlednáhodná lekce všeobecného přehledu

Napište nám svůj názor na stránky nebo námět na zlepšení. Děkujeme.

Použití pojmu head ve větách.

Každou školu spravuje žena nazývaná headmistress nebo lady principal, jmenovaná vzpomenutou radou. The bobbing head bobbed on, eyes closed, lips clamped around his member, utterly engrossed. Bric a brac filled the air around his head, dancing around with sickening speed. Suddenly his head jerked around and he looked straight through the door at her. Yet others were trussed in a ball, with their heads tucked between their knees. The head wound and the open jugular still pulsed blood into a black bucket. He jerked his head around like a driveller trying to spit out a word. But then his head was swimming, his eyesight blurred with concussion. It seemed to have gathered quite a substantial head of speed. In her head she heard voices that came from no living mouth. And the dead, fearful of this look, turned their heads away. The sow put its head up, though its eyes were beyond seeing. Kaufman turned his head on one side to look at their faces. She had perhaps slipped, and struck her head as she fell. Judd shook his head his face was slack and his look lost. Eddie shook his head, and flicked ash off his cigarette. They wrote, it seemed, whatever came into their heads. He was dressed in shades of grey from head to foot. The boy beside her raised his head and smiled too. Millennium would soon be making headlines again. He was one mass of blood now, from head to foot. His head was bowed to his business, engrossed. He closed the document and scratched his head. Eyes in heads that had solid howls for voices. So angry now, so ready to twist off his head. All were shorn of their head and body hair. Eyes in heads beyond howls, beyond breath. Then they returned to police headquarters. Thoughts were churning around in his head. It s on your head Galloway, remember that.

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