Použití pojmu Hold your head high. ve větách.
Teď půjdeme vyzpovídat lorda Holdhursta, ministra zahraničí a budoucího předsedu anglické vlády. Každou školu spravuje žena nazývaná headmistress nebo lady principal, jmenovaná vzpomenutou radou. Decline in HIV infectivity following the introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy. The bobbing head bobbed on, eyes closed, lips clamped around his member, utterly engrossed. Jsem Alexander Holder z bankovní firmy Holder a Stevenson na Threadneedle Street. Je to sotva pár týdnů, co se vrátil do High Gable po roční nepřítomnosti. Bric a brac filled the air around his head, dancing around with sickening speed. Suddenly his head jerked around and he looked straight through the door at her. Yet others were trussed in a ball, with their heads tucked between their knees. Ale dovolíte li, pane Holdere, rád bych teď pokračoval v pátrání venku. It was brightening up, even in Novi Pazar, and their ambitions were set high. The head wound and the open jugular still pulsed blood into a black bucket. The whole tree was rocking as though someone had just seized hold of it. Obvodní lékař pro farství Grimpenské, Pharleyské a High Barowské. Ne ale státníka s tak bezúhonnou minulostí, jako je lord Holdhurst. Mějte jen trochu strpení, pane Holdere, k tomu se ještě vrátíme. Přesto však holdují pohodlným křeslům a čerstvým časopisům. He jerked his head around like a driveller trying to spit out a word. But then his head was swimming, his eyesight blurred with concussion. Instead of the low snort there was a higher, hotter note out of her. Slape wanted to double up in agony, but the neck hold prevented him. Domnívám se, pane Holdere, že budete mít brzy po starostech. Ať se vrtnou lidé z High Gable kamkoli, nespustí je z očí. They have sign posts, these highways, and bridges and lay bys. The highway had disappeared from living human sight entirely. It seemed to have gathered quite a substantial head of speed. In her head she heard voices that came from no living mouth. And the dead, fearful of this look, turned their heads away. The sow put its head up, though its eyes were beyond seeing. Mám zřejmě tu čest mluvit se slečnou Marií Holderovou.
Pro zajímavost:
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High school anglicky,
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