Použití pojmu miss a turn ve větách.
Dále se během roku v rámci oratoře pořádají výlety, prázdninové tábory a sportovní turnaje. The Northumbrians committed apostasy but they were soon reconverted by Irish missionaries in. Popolac turned away into the hills, its legs taking strides half a mile long. Mission Visitors OD Návstevnící ocekávají, ze uvidí dinosaury. Mission StrmIsld V Skvelá práce, park odolává spatnému pocasí. Mission RgrAttk Failure OuttaTime Vypadáto, ze masozravci vyhráli. She turned back on him, with something silver and sharp in her hand. She, forgetting the taboo in her turn, reached to answer his touch. Her nails raked across his temple and nose, just missing his eyes. Mission Visitors V Uzasné, návstevníci jsou parkem poteseni. Mission RgrAttk F Vypadáto, ze tentokrát masozravci vyhráli. NIEDERHALTESCHIENEN UND GLEITPROFILE F R INTRAFLEX FLAT TURNS. Mission JuraClsc D Obnov populaci dinosauru na ostrove Nublar. Mission RgrAttk H a Moznost lécení, lecí nemocné dinoaury. Kaufman noticed he had three teeth missing from his lower jaw. Besides, working with the ever adoring, ever demanding Miss D. The morning rain had turned into a light drizzle by twilight. Mahogany wandered into the bathroom and turned on the shower. And the dead, fearful of this look, turned their heads away. She was chopping turnips and smiling sweetly as she chopped. Redman wove between the seats and turned the television off. The thought, however, turns in quite a different direction. Kaufman turned his head on one side to look at their faces. NIEDERHALTESCHIENEN UND GLEITPROFILE F R SERIE FLAT TURNS. It turned back to Polo, obsequious, but unmistakably smug. Mission RgrAttk I Park je preplnen hladovými masozravci. Mission RgrAttk H Cervený kruh indikuje zamerený cíl. Mission RgrAttk H a Automatický pilot prevzal rízení. Whichever way he turned, the name on the door was Death. Motes of dust hung in the beams, turning over and over.
Pro zajímavost:
turn anglicky,
turnip anglicky,
turn left/right anglicky,
turn over anglicky,
turning anglicky,
turn down anglicky,
turn off anglicky,