Použití pojmu turn down ve větách.
Dále se během roku v rámci oratoře pořádají výlety, prázdninové tábory a sportovní turnaje. Popolac turned away into the hills, its legs taking strides half a mile long. In the bedroom one of the roof joists cracked and flung debris downstairs. She turned back on him, with something silver and sharp in her hand. She, forgetting the taboo in her turn, reached to answer his touch. Divoce se bránil a ošklivě přitom pokousal konstábla Downinga. NIEDERHALTESCHIENEN UND GLEITPROFILE F R INTRAFLEX FLAT TURNS. The morning rain had turned into a light drizzle by twilight. Mahogany wandered into the bathroom and turned on the shower. And the dead, fearful of this look, turned their heads away. She was chopping turnips and smiling sweetly as she chopped. Redman wove between the seats and turned the television off. The thought, however, turns in quite a different direction. Kaufman turned his head on one side to look at their faces. NIEDERHALTESCHIENEN UND GLEITPROFILE F R SERIE FLAT TURNS. It turned back to Polo, obsequious, but unmistakably smug. Whichever way he turned, the name on the door was Death. The Yattering threw itself downstairs, tore up a pillow. Motes of dust hung in the beams, turning over and over. Caution, he said to himself, and turned off the light. There was a real turn about since their last meeting. Her father turned from the window and looked at her. Salander turned and shoved Bland through the door. Downstairs, Polo heard a noise like a whining dog. Downingovi div neukousl palec, než ho zkrotili. But she turned out to have unbelievable talents. Jsem umírající člověk, řekl starý Turner. Miriam Wu turned and stared at him, astonished. She took her time, occasionally turning a page. It had ended before she even turned thirteen.
Pro zajímavost:
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