Použití pojmu newt ve větách.
James Gazette, Evening News, Standardu, Echu a ve všech ostatních, které vás napadnou. Kaufman surveyed the report that sprawled across the front page of the newspaper. Mycroft zvedl výtisk Daily News, který ležel na postranním stolku. He does advertising newsletters for various companies. Heath Newton červená čapka, skořicový kabát. Heath Newton červená čapka, skořicový kabát. With luck, he would be the carrier of this news. Bublanski surmised that this was news to her. Galloway said nothing in reply to this news. Certain newsrooms had not forgiven him. Byl to Newyorčan a jmenoval se Mark. Holmberg had some news for him too. Maybe in the newspapers. But she was bad news. That was good news. So no news.
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