Použití pojmu put back ve větách.
Criminalisation of HIV Non disclosure, Exposure and Transmission Background and Current Landscape. Nejlepší je umístit textový kurzor před tečku a starý název smazat klávesou Backspace. Milostín a Kráska děkovali bohům, že z takového neštěstí vyvázli, a putovali dále. Ona tělesná vada znavuje mne velmi, a půtka před půl hodinou zhoršila můj stav. He had seen her late at night, her dirty back streets shamelessly courting depravity. Měsíc nedal se urvati cizím světem, ale setrval ve svém putování okolo Země. Milý hlas zvonků rozléhal se s kostelíčků a ozvěnou putoval od vrchu k vrchu. The eyes of the monsters were flickering back and forth with hunger and excitement. Marně vzpomínám, kolik jsem ho už vypil při svém putování kolem Himálaje. Redman darted back to the vestibule and down the corridor to the Recreation Room. The Go Between put his hand down his briefs and played with himself, idly. The boy backed off, winded and cursing, only to be replaced by Leverthal. Thinking of nothing in particular, he started back towards the workshop. Putovali jsme prehistorickou zemí, jež měla vzhled neznámé planety. Redman spent a good deal of the next day putting his workshop in order. It put his own stepping stone ambitions in an unflattering perspective. He was in a great tradition, that stretched further back than America. The bare hedges looked somewhat small from the back row of the stalls. Po půlroce putování zeštíhlel a ozdravěl, oči mu jen zářily. Two people, edging their way along the back row, making for the exit. The cleaver divided the air at some speed, but Kaufman stepped back. She turned back on him, with something silver and sharp in her hand. He screamed and even as he screamed, the lights flickered back on. The back of his neck and his scalp were shot full of pine needles. Gradually he felt strength seeping back into his exhausted limbs. They would sleep until morning and then begin the long trek back. Byla jsem jen šňůrka teček náhodně putujících Vesmírem. Had Eddie taken residence on the very back row? No, surely not. Ale nejvíc vody pojednou se přinese v putně, tuto je pravda. He thought of the horror in Car Two, and swallowed back vomit.
Pro zajímavost:
put...on... anglicky,
put down a deposit anglicky,
to fly back anglicky,
put up with something anglicky,
back seat anglicky,
put somebody through anglicky,
Put it on my bill, please. anglicky,