Použití pojmu effet m de seuil ve větách.
Yet it still walked, each step an incalculable effort of coordination and strength. Safe effective vaccines are now available for hepatitis A and hepatitis B. Au erdem kann dies negative Effekte auf das gesamte Antriebssystem haben. The promise seemed to have precious little effect Lacey was struck dumb. It was too early in the morning, and the effect fell on stony ground. Nach M glichkeit sollten beide Effekte vermieden werden. Povím vám o Effiině životě všechno, co vím. Lallafa žil v hvozdech Dlouhé země v Effě. Das St ck wimmelt von Fehlern u Effekten. We are effectively in lock down. It seemed true, not an effect. The effect was spectacular. Ekstr m paused for effect. He paused for effect. SLIP STICK EFFEKT.
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