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Lekce francouzštiny obsahující výraz en face de

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Výrazy podobné pojmu en face de

en dépit de qc francouzsky, en faveur de gc francouzsky, pouvoir m d´achat francouzsky, ratio m de rentabilité francouzsky, d´économie francouzsky, Jen se dívám. francouzsky, en francouzsky, billet (de train) francouzsky,

Česká slovní zásobanáhodná lekce českých synonym
+Synonyma 1
+Synonyma 2
+Synonyma 3
+Synonyma 4
+Synonyma 5
+Synonyma 6
+Synonyma 7
+Synonyma 8
+Synonyma 9
+Synonyma 10
+Synonyma 11
+Synonyma 12
+Brněnský hantec
Angličtinanáhodná lekce angličtiny
+Mírně pokročilí
+Velmi pokročilí
+Obchodní angličtina
+Tématická slovíčka
+Minimum na cesty
Němčinanáhodná lekce němčiny
+Mírně pokročilí
+Obchodní němčina
+Minimum na cesty
Francouzštinanáhodná lekce francouzštiny
+Mírně pokročilí
+Obchodní franc.
+Minimum na cesty
Španělštinanáhodná lekce španělštiny
+Mírně pokročilí
+Minimum na cesty
Zeměpisnáhodná lekce zaměpisu
+Hlavní města
+Státy EU
Literaturanáhodná lekce literatury
Ostatní předmětynáhodná lekce z kategorie ostatních předmětů
Všeobecný přehlednáhodná lekce všeobecného přehledu

Napište nám svůj názor na stránky nebo námět na zlepšení. Děkujeme.

Použití pojmu en face de ve větách.

International interviewing and counselling Facilitating client development in a multicultural society. Now, faced with a sudden and spectacular success, she felt both elated and confused. With mimes and face pullings they explained that they were hungry and exhausted. This was going to be a primitive confrontation, two human beings, face to face. His self exposure would have been comical, but for the expression on his face. There was a defeated look about the few faces they glimpsed at the roadside. There is evidence of a third factor, which deserves careful consideration. The testimony in exquisite, elegant print that covered his face and scalp. He reached the chicken run without encountering any of them face to face. He looked at the man with a slightly disdainful expres sion on his face. There was a certain deference in their faces, which he found appealing. The door was opening, and the face of the slaughterer came into view. De facto by se to dalo označit za ústřední bod celé té záhady. The face that was looking down at him was black, and not unfriendly. The lurid covers of the comics made his face look milkier than ever. Sex always induced a giveaway mottling on his face and upper chest. The man was upset there was clear evidence of emotion on his face. In fact the air was still pungent with the smell of the shearing. His face beneath the shadow of his brim was difficult to discern. Everyone he met had brushed with violence it was a fact of life. They were going at a fair lick in fact it was bloody terrifying. Maybe there was still some thing of the wunderkind in his face. It felt good in his hand in fact it felt positively thrilling. All she could do was look up into that all but fleshless face. Přesto by poradce měl flexibilitu stimulovat a facilitovat. The ether faces of the dead were quite clear in front of her. In fact, it would have been an extremely dangerous dinosaur. Kaufman turned his head on one side to look at their faces. Distaste was written over her face in a dozen tight places. Galloway was almost glad to see that strange, scarred face.

Pro zajímavost:

poste m de radio francouzsky,
dědeček francouzsky,
main f d´oeubre francouzsky,
dálnice francouzsky,
secteur m d´activité francouzsky,
appareil de production francouzsky,
den francouzsky,